
"Pox" or "Posh" is a Tzotzil and Tzeltal word - languages of Mayan origin that are spoken mainly in the Highlands of Chiapas- it comes from the word Poxil or Poxilal and means Medicine.

It is producted in Cruton, San Juan Chamula, Chiapas.

Medicinal use

According to the traditions of indigenous people of San Juan Chamula, Pox is used as a cure against diseases. Curanderos (healers) use it not only to disinfect wounds, to relieve colic or to remove the flu, but also to solve family problems and heal soul ailments such as fear and sadness.

Curanderos recommend having a drink in the morning, another at noon and another in the afternoon, by using the traditional "vaso de cruz" (glass of cross).


The medicinal use is not clinically proven, therefore it should not be consumed in excess or suggested for diseases treatment.

Ceremonial use

Pox stands out for being a unique and sacred drink for indigenous communities.

It is a ceremonial drink used by the mayordomos and by the paxones -who are in charge of holding the festivities-. It is the "soul of ceremonies".

Symbol of union

It is a symbol of union and fraternity among indigenous communities. They pray and have a drink of Pox.

If a young man's desire is to be part of the family of his girlfriend, by giving a present of 5 liters of Pox he can be accepted 😊.

If there is no Pox at parties, there is no joy, there is no rhythm. Pox is a holy drink!

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About us

Pox Santo AMor was founded with the aim to take to each home a unique alcoholic beverage, proudly Mexican and unmatched in flavor and historical, religious and cultural value.

We are a 100% Mexican company committed to offer high quality products to our customers.

Our distribution area is Mexico City and its surrounding areas.